Christina Ryan, a single mother of two children, came into Michigan Works! Southeast looking for help with training. With her current employment including washing dishes full-time at United Methodist Retirement Community, she wanted more for herself and her children. With the help of her Career Advisor in the WIOA Youth program, Christina decided to pursue her dream of becoming a Certified Nurse Aide. Understanding the value of education, she also worked on her high school diploma at Colombia Options High School, while attending the Certified Nurse Aide program at the Michigan Academy of Emergency Services (MAESAH).
When Christina took her initial basic skills assessment at the Service Center, she really struggled with math and reading. She worked closely with our Professional Development Coordinator to improve her test scores, which would later help her succeed in classroom training. She also earned her High School Diploma from Colombia Options. Michigan Works assisted Christina by providing funding for classroom training, scrubs required for training and the CENA state test.
Christina earned her certificate of completion from MAESAH on 4/22/2016. She also passed her CENA state test and is now working for Arbor Manor Rehabilitation Center in Spring Arbor, MI. She works 40 hours per week as a CENA earning $13.50 per hour. She really enjoys her work and is happy with her decision to pursue a medical occupation.
Congratulations Christina, you are an inspiration to many!