August 31, 2020

Increase in cyber-attacks results in collaboration between Pinckney Schools and Novacoast, offering one solution to public and private sector employers

SOUTHEAST, MI – With an alarming increasing rate on cyber-attacks against public entities including court systems, public school systems and municipalities, Novcoast, Inc. and the Pinckney Cyber Training Institute have partnered to create one solution. To better provide cyber security to public and private sector employers in Michigan, The Pinckney […]
August 31, 2020

Virtual Meeting Notice | September 2, 2020

Date: September 2, 2020 Time: 2:00 pm Instructions: Topic: Michigan Works! Southeast Workforce Development Board   Executive Committee Meeting Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 869 2010 2599 Passcode: 532157 One tap mobile +16465588656,,86920102599# US (New York) Dial by your location +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)   In […]
August 19, 2020

Virtual Meeting Notice | August 5, 2020

Date: August 5 2020 Time: 2:00 pm Instructions: Topic: Michigan Works! Southeast Workforce Development Board Executive Committee Meeting   Topic: Executive Committee Meeting Time: Aug 5, 2020 02:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 857 9586 3789 One tap mobile+16465588656,,85795863789# US (New York) Dial […]
August 17, 2020

#Monday Motivation

#MondayMotivation Knowing the importance of finishing her education, Kristi found herself applying for help after exhausting her unemployment. We helped her with tuition assistance & more. Without our help, she may not have been able to achieve her goals. #MIWorks #Success