Looking Back on a Year of Growth & Opportunity
JULY 2020 - JUNE 2021

A Message from our Directors
We're thrilled to be here today with a full year of experience as Directors of Michigan Works! Southeast. 2021 was a year of growth and development; the lessons learned and obstacles we overcame together has given ourselves and Michigan Works! Southeast a new sense of pride and opportunity!
What will 2022 have in store for us? Check out this short video to hear our vision!
Thank You Marcus James!
Marcus James has dedicated over 20 years to workforce development in the State of Michigan, and for that we are grateful. In 2021, Marcus chose to retire from his the role as the Workforce Development Board Chair, where he provided guidance, oversight and leadership to Michigan Works! Southeast. During his time as Chair, he contributed to the growth, connections and strategy of our agency and the Governors statewide Workforce Development Board. Marcus is known by many for his love of data, and has always been driven by his cerebral approach to leadership. We look forward to continue working with Marcus on the Workforce Development Board as a highly engaged participating member.
2021 Year in Review
2,509 Program Participants
1,347 |
Wagner-Peyser |
186 |
WIOA Adult |
111 |
Clean Slate |
105 |
Youth |
95 |
WIOA Dislocated Worker |
19 |
Business Resource Networks |
6 |
Trade Adjustment Act |
1 |
People Served
Jobs Found
Total Visitors
Employers Engaged
Fiscal Summary
As of July 2021

Other: $1,533,244 |
Wagner-Peyser: $966,819 |
Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS): $3,567,669 |
Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA): $4,112,266 |

Administrative Operating Costs: $383,215 |
Administrative Wages & Fringes: $3,813,576 |
Program Operating Costs: $2,650,638 |
Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA): $2,403,785 |
Program & Subcontractor Wages & Fringes: $3,813,576 |
What Businesses are Saying
Going PRO Talent Fund
We received over $3 Million to help local businesses create jobs and upskill their current employees!
Jobs Created
Employees Trained
“This has been a great opportunity for QED’s engineering team to learn some of the basic development tools/skills to ensure higher quality product. The Going PRO Talent Fund gave us the funding needed to send the whole engineering tam and get us all on an equal understanding of these tools at once.”
*Actual expenditures from 2021 may vary from awarded amount.
Clean Slate & Expungement
A series of Expungement Events were hosted across the region to give residents the chance to have their criminal records expunged. In partnership with Legal Services of South Central Michigan (LSSCM), city officials, and local law enforcement over 100 expungement applications were submitted - giving job seekers hope for a second chance at gainful employment!
Virtual Career Events
To meet the needs of local businesses while ensuring a safe environment, we’ve hosted numerous virtual job fairs. Through the State of Michigan’s Brazen platform, hundreds of job seekers were connected to new careers and opportunities!
Legislative & Community Engagement
Legislative Engagements
Unique legislative engagements
Federal & State Elected Officials
MiCareer Quest South
40 Employers showcased their careers to over 3,000+ attendees at our regions largest virtual career exploration event. MiCareerQuest South gave middle and high school students the opportunity to speak directly with working professionals to learn about the top careers in our region such as healthcare, construction, advanced manufacturing and more.
“MWSE has made it possible to connect young people with current employers to help them navigate the exploration of future career opportunities. It is an easy, yet exciting chance for students to get a glimpse into their possible futures.”

Summer Youth Energy Academy
To build a connection point between high school energy classes and Jackson College’s energy programs, our Jackson team partnered with Consumers Energy to create the Summer Youth Energy Academy. The Academy gives Jackson-area youth real-world training for energy careers and a stipend equivalent to $12.50/hr. The inaugural Summer Youth Academy concluded in July, with all 10 students successfully completing their training.

Hourly wage
Weeks of learning
Invaluable Experiences:
- Wind farm field trip in Jonesville
- Field trip to Consumers Training Facility in Marshall
- Mock interviews with MWSE & Consumers Staff
- CPR/First Aide Training Certification
- Consumers job exploration with staff
Local Impact

- Our team provided 1,000 backpacks to Hillsdale County Schools for Safety Security Day.
- We partnered with Jackson College to offer “Connect with My Future,” giving eligible participants the opportunity to complete a college certificate at little or no cost.
- We worked with County National Bank to help job seekers without an account to waive their opening balance fee.
- We partnered with Access for All to provide WorkKeys testing for participants enrolled in pre-apprenticeship training.
- Our team co-hosted an “All-Trades Career Fair” with the Michigan AFL-CIO, Workforce Development Institute, and Access for All at the Martin Luther King Jr. Center in downtown Jackson.
- Through continued partnership with Andy’s Place, a long-term substance abuse treatment and rehabilitation community, our team connects members to actively hiring employers and additional resources.
- Our team distributed over $25,000 worth of COVID Relief gift cards to individuals in need in partnership with the Lenawee Community Foundation.
- In collaboration with Wacker Chemical and Anderson Development, a virtual job fair was hosted on the State of Michigan’s Brazen platform to attract talent to the chemical industry.
- Over 50 individuals received assistance with tuition and employment training throughout the year.
- The Livingston Service Center moved to a new location in downtown Howell, offering wider space and easier access for the Livingston Community.
- In April we hosted “Jump-Start Your Future:” a virtual event for non-college bound high school seniors. The event was in collaboration with LESA and the local MCAN.
- Representative Bob Bezotte invited us to his virtual “Coffee Hour” where we shared our services with the Livingston Community.
- We partnered with Washtenaw Community College to create two industry-specific bootcamps to help job seekers transition into high-demand fields such as Cybersecurity and Long-Term Healthcare.
- Our team partnered with the Washtenaw County Health Department to provide paid work experiences for 6 individuals using COVID relief funds.
- Over 125 expungement applications were submitted at our annual Expungement Fair. Our team continues to work closely with Legal Services of South-Central Michigan to process these cases.